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Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Soccer Registration is now COMPLETE!

Travel Soccer: Registration is complete 

In-Town Soccer: Registration is complete. Please contact us if you missed the deadline Late registrations may NOT be able to be accommodated and are subject to a $100 late fee.

Few details about our intown program:

  • Skills/game sessions will be Saturdays at Milliken Field with its new snack shed, water filling station, and bathrooms! 
  • The spring program will start Saturday, May 3rd and end on Saturday, June 21st. There will not be in-town soccer on Memorial Day Weekend - Saturday, May 24th
  • Note this is a full year fall/spring single registration payment.
  • Updated schedule for SPRING is as follows: 

Coaches (new and returning): we value your energy and time and would be grateful to have you as part of the program. Please indicate interest by registering as a coach in Sports Pilot and if you aren't able to do so, email and include your child’s name and grade. 

Board involvement: We are looking to grow our Cohasset Soccer Club board team on the social media & communications front. Please email if you have any interest in volunteering. 

CYSL Codes of Conduct: Have been updated. Please click here to review.

Cohasset Soccer Club

Welcome to the Cohasset Soccer Club website.  Cohasset Soccer Club is an all-volunteer run community soccer program for Cohasset athletes. We have over 100 parent volunteers and 700-plus soccer players participating in In-Town, Travel and Winter programs. Our In-Town program consists of Pre-K to 4th grade. Our Travel teams compete in the Coastal Youth Soccer League in the fall and spring seasons.