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Lightning Policy

The Cohasset Soccer Club (“CSC”) is committed to your child’s safety.  As a planning and precautionary measure the CSC or your coach will attempt to notify you in advance if questionable weather is in the forecast before a practice or game activity.  In the event we determine that questionable weather is in the forecast and we decide to hold practice or a game we will be following the Cohasset Middle High School Lightning Safety Policy defined below. In addition, please consider the following if there is questionable weather for a practice and a game.


  • You can elect to not send your child to practice or the game.
  • You can send your child to practice or the game but you should be prepared to immediately return to the field and pick up your child up if the lightning and thunder detection system is activated. 
  • CSC will send out an email notifying you that the lightning and thunder detection system was activated and lightning and thunder have been detected within a ten-mile radius and you should pick up your child immediately.  



Cohasset Middle High School WeatherBug Lightning Detection Safety Policy. 


Functions of the WeatherBug Lightning Detection System

This is an automatic system that enables itself upon weather threats in the area. It is not controlled by a person.

1. When lightning approaches a ten-mile radius from Cohasset Middle-High School, the Lightning Detection System will activate a flashing light and an alarm will sound for approximately twenty seconds.

2. As soon as the Lightning Warning System enables, everyone MUST remove themselves from their outdoor activity and seek shelter or face loss of field use privilege.

3. The flashing light will then continue for thirty minutes after the last lightning strike within a ten-mile radius; all fields must remain cleared through the duration of the activated warning system.

4. When the warning alarm sounds three short, steady tones and the flashing light goes out it is permissible to reenter the field.

5. Under absolutely no circumstances is anyone allowed back on the field prior to the Lightning Warning System disabling itself.

6. This system may reactivate at any time throughout the duration that the fields are open depending on the storm activity and its whereabouts. There are no false alarms.

7. Members of the Public using the parks and fields on an individual, unorganized basis are also subject to the same policy.

8. All protective measures must be adhered to at all times.

If you hear thunder as a storm approaches and the alarm system has not yet activated, it is recommended that you use this leeway time to organize your group to safety. Lightning has been known to strike up to ten miles away.





1. If you hear thunder as a storm approaches and the alarm system has not yet activated, it is recommended that you use this leeway time to organize your group to safety. Lightning has been known to strike up to ten miles away.

2. If the Cohasset Public School buildings are open to the public, seek shelter inside.

3. At fields that do not have a safe outdoor structure to provide shelter: For places of safety during a thunderstorm, a vehicle with a solid metal roof and metal sides others some protection. Close the windows, lean away from the sides of the car, and keep your hands in your lap. Do not touch the steering wheel, ignition, gear shifter or radio. Stay away from plumbing, electrical outlets and appliances.